tiistai 27. heinäkuuta 2010

The family reunion

Three years has past and it is time to meet the whole "clan" again. My mothers side of the family has a meeting every three years. This year the meeting is in the end of august.

I am waiting the meeting because I like to get acquainted with new people especially new relatives. I hope as many as possible will come to the meeting.

The old community hall of Leppäkorpi
The meeting takes place in Nummi-Pusula municipal, in the village of Leppäkorpi. There is an old community hall. Our ancesters have been bilding that hall, and that is why we are now meeting there.

Now I must write a column for the magazine of the family so I can send the paper to the print and we can send it to our familymembers.

So good night, sleep tight....

torstai 22. heinäkuuta 2010

It's over!

The premiere is over. And I feel empty. But it is good emptiness. A bit tired, a bit relieved, and much humble and grateful all mixed together.

I am honoured to be member of this group of actors. We are no professionals, but we are dam good.

Now I go to bed and dream good dreams abut our upcoming performances. May they be as good as this first one.
Our director Joel Elstelä

tiistai 20. heinäkuuta 2010

The first night

Here is a picture of our curtain. Gorgeous don't you think. And the play is funny, but still, it awakes you thoughts if you let it do so....

You all are welcome to see us tomorrow. Now I have to hurry. My dress is not yet ready, so I must sew it a litlle bit more.....

I hope I see you all tomorrow.

sunnuntai 18. heinäkuuta 2010

Too hot.....

Can it be too hot? Yes it can. I do not like temperature over +25 degrees celcius. I cannot sleep at night and then I'm in bad mood on daytime. And I don't like to be on bad mood! I know I wrote that I hope the summer will be sunny and warm. But hey! Too much is too much.

Most of all I am very worried  about my cats. They are 20 years old, and this heat might be too much for them. They are sleeping almost all the time. They are not eating properly, I hope they drink enough.

Useally when I come home in the evening they are waiting for me in the hallway, but now the don't have enough strength to raise their heads and say hello to me.

In theatre Beowulf we are having the last rehearsals before the first night, we are doing our best, and hope it is enough. The premiere is in next wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. So you all are welcome to see our performance.

And I hope you'll like it. I do like the play, its new so our performance is a debut.

Now I have to go to bed, I'm afraid its useless, but I must try to get some sleep, even though it is too hot to sleep.

So good night, sleep tight.

sunnuntai 4. heinäkuuta 2010

Summer is here

I'm not very summer-like person, but must say that it has been beautiful weather in the last few days.

There is a picture of a little violet. It was blossoming in the old graveyard in Nummi. It shows how magnificent power life is. It comes through the grey stone in the place where the death lives.

Though I have always been fond of cemeteries, especially old ones. And the old cemetery of Nummi is one of my favourite places. It is so beautiful and quiet. And the old tombstones, the oldest are from the end of 19th century, old grey stones, rouhg like life itself.

When I was a litlle girl, I used to wisit there with my parents, my grandparents are buried there. When mother and father was taking care of the flowers and everything I used to walk between those old stones, touching them, trying to read the old names and dates. And I saw the people in my mind and I tryid to imagine the life they have had. I have always had a good imagination. So they were very living to me.

By the way, my weight has not gone down as fast as I hoped. And now I have decided to take in use hard way. I have made a soup, colesoup, and I'm going to eat it the whole week. Lets see what happens.