No, my dear daughter, it was not a tip. When and if you make me a grandmother is your own business. The only thing I hope is that when you or your brother decides to have babys I'm well enough to play with them.
But sometimes, just sometimes I feel myself sooooooo old. As today in the classroom. When the teacher told you to do something and shows how you do it, and after the sixth time somebody asks how is this done???????
Don't they listen, don't they understand, don't they care, don't they have brains????
It's so irritating. And it is question about using a computer, using Word. It cannot be impossible for the young generation of today. They are using computers everyday. They are in Facebook and in Irc and so on......

So, sometimes I feel I'm a hundered years old.
Now I have to go to school. The evening lessons are waiting. Maybe I'm only 99 years old, I can feel joy for the studies and the possibility to learn new things, even the teacher today is a liiiitle bit boring.
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